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Water and Sewer Commission Minutes 2011/02/24

Board of Commissioners Meeting
February 24, 2011
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, David Cain, David Montambeault, Christopher Leonard, Peter Hill.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, James Currier, Carl and Frieda Ostrom.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Highlights:
Dave B. reported that there had been a trip to the Jaffrey Wastewater Treatment Plant with some Commissioners, New London representatives and himself. He stated that it was a nice plant and that Wright Pierce had received good reviews from the staff there. There was some discussion regarding the grit removal system at that plant. Dave B. reported that the plant is running well despite the cold weather and that the toxicity test had passed. Dave B. reported that he had spoken with Sarah Holmes of Jeanne Shaheen’s office and that they are willing to put in a good word for Sunapee’s wastewater treatment plant upgrade with RDA to help secure funding for the project. There was some discussion regarding help from Shaheen’s office.
Old & New Business:
Jennings Easement:  There was some discussion regarding the Selectman’s meeting and the easement. Christopher L. made a motion to allow Theodore G. to sign the agreement on behalf of the Commission, seconded by David C., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

Forms for Signing:
January 28, 2011 Meeting Minutes: David C. made a motion to accept the minutes as printed, seconded by Christopher L., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
January Sewer Purchase Journal:  David C. made a motion to accept the Sewer Purchase Journal as written, seconded by Peter H., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman. There was some discussion regarding the new heater at pump station number one.
January Water Purchase Journal:  Christopher L., made a motion to accept the Water Purchase Journal as written, seconded by Peter H., after some discussion regarding water main breaks, voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
GHR 156 & 158 Abatement Request: After some discussion regarding the buildings on the property, David C. made a motion to grant the abatement, seconded by Christopher L., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
GAS 17 Abatement Request: David C. made a motion to grant the abatement as requested, seconded by Peter H., after some discussion regarding the property and how many years there had been of non use, voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

Old & New Business:  
Granliden Letter:  There was some discussion regarding the rate issue with Granliden. The general feeling of the Commission is that Granliden was informed of how the rates would be prior to attaching to the Town water. There was some discussion of perhaps billing quarterly and setting up a committee to help come up with better ideas for rate setting. Christopher L. stated that he feels that the Commission has always worked to keep the rates as low as possible. There was some discussion regarding rates and apartment type buildings.

Theodore G. mentioned that Jessie L. is leaving New London and that the Commission may like to send a card and flowers to her. Holly L. will arrange for a card and flowers for her.

Water Treatment Highlights:  There was some discussion regarding the Sanitary Survey
and the option of installing another water tank somewhere in town. There was some discussion regarding how to service higher elevations within town and lift pumps and the cost to install and run lift pumps. There was some discussion regarding if raising the elevation of the tanks would cause issues within the distribution system, and if a scada system would be needed or useful at all.

Old & New Business:  James C., Carl and Frieda O.  joined the table. David M.
commented on some things that were stated at the deliberative session: he stated that the budgets for the Water & Sewer departments are prepared by the Commission not the Town Manager and he stated that the Commission does go along with the Town’s pay scales and works together with the Town on different projects. Theodore G. stated that after having thought over the discussion at Deliberative Session he thinks that the Commission is the user’s board and that any customer can come and discuss any issues that they may have at any Commission meeting. James C. presented that he lives on Oak Ridge Road and that he owns 2 apartment buildings in Georges Mills that are charged for 9 units. James C. stated that his wife Cindy C. could not attend the meeting tonight and that she had been the one who had drafted the petition article and gone around to get the signatures needed for it. James C. stated that he has been on the system since 1986 and that he had a problem with the Commission from day one and had never been invited to speak to the Commission until now. James C. stated that when he built his apartment buildings the Commission just instituted the attachment fees and that he had to pay 28,000 extra that he had not planned on to complete the project. There was some discussion regarding how much had been collected in attachment fees and if they had been investigated recently to ensure that it is as equitable as it can be. There was much discussion regarding the attachment fees and what other towns charge to attach to the water and sewer systems. David M. stated that he has felt that the attachment fees have made it cost prohibitive for restaurants to come into town. There was much discussion regarding if the attachment fess make it difficult for developers in town and that perhaps they should be reviewed more often.
James C. thinks that the Commission is not working toward conservation with their rate structure set the way it is. There was some discussion regarding the amount of use per unit and how to come up with a different rate structure for Sunapee. David M. stated that he would like to see a committee set up to study the rates and different options, James C. and Carl O. volunteered to be on this committee as did David M. There was some discussion regarding the budgets and amounts not expended in the budgets as well as why the entire town votes on the Water & Sewer articles. David M. made a motion to form a committee to look into the attachment fees, rates and budgeting to make it more fair and equitable for everyone and to appoint to the Committee James C., Carl O. and 2 members of the Commission to report back in 6 months from March, seconded by Peter H., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.

David M. made a motion that at any time when the water and sewer bills are due on a date that the office is not open the due date will be on the next business day, seconded by Peter H., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

7:50 p.m. David C. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Peter H., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2010.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup                                 David Montambeault

_________________________________               __________________________________
David Cain                                              Peter Hill

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kenneth Meyer                                   Charles Smith                   

Paul Manson